Resource – Paper 371

Neural Embeddings for Populated Geonames Locations

Mayank Kejriwal and Pedro Szekely


clock_eventOctober 25, 2017, 10:30.
house Stolz 2
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The application of neural embedding algorithms (based on architectures like skip-grams) to large knowledge bases like Wikipedia and the Google News Corpus has tremendously benefited multiple com- munities in applications as diverse as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition and text classification. In this paper, we present a similar resource for geospatial applications. We systematically construct a weighted network that spans all populated places in Geonames. Using a network embedding algorithm that was recently found to achieve excellent results and is based on the skip-gram model, we embed each populated place into a 100-dimensional vector space, in a similar vein as the GloVe embeddings released for Wikipedia. We demonstrate potential applications of this dataset resource, which we release under a public license.

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